Friday, 29 June 2012

Peter Goodgold - The Messiah of Healthy Living

Have you been making an effort towards a better life? Do you treat your body well so your mind and body are in synchronization with each other? If the answer is a negative, then its time you make some positive changes to your life. These changes, for a start, could be with the water you drink, sounds interesting, isn’t it? Peter Goodgold, the man behind this concept is known for his holistic approach towards healthier living.

Peter took the giant leap in healing the body with the help of his discovery of water ionizers that produces alkaline water optimal for human health. In an interview, Peter said the following about water ionizers, “I perfected the Ionic Oasis Water Ionizer. This health device provides alkalized, oxygen-rich antioxidant water directly from ordinary tap water making it an effective tool balancing your body’s pH. Wash waste products, toxins, and FAT out of your body simply by drinking ionized, alkalized tap water! “It’s the Ionic Solution to your bodies Pollution!”

The last decade has witnessed Peter developing various types of revolutionary portable and affordable water ionizers for the natural healing of the body. Peter has assisted people around the globe to lead healthier lives without the use of any drugs prescribed by their physicians. He wants to get people off medication with a better education. His holistic approach towards perfect health is reflected in the first Raw Food and Macrobiotic restaurant created by him in 1973 in Santa Monica (Southern California) also known as The Pyramid Restaurant.

Three years later, this successful endeavor paved the way for Healing Waters Hot Springs Healing Center in Eden Arizona. This natural healing center was a great place for people to come from around the world to rejuvenate and heal themselves naturally with raw foods, exercise, infrared saunas and spiritual meditation. It was in the jungle that Peter Goodgold realized the importance of being one with nature and its importantance for the natural functioning of the body. This led to the formation of WildWaterFalls through which he helped to create a natural ecosystem in offices, homes, living rooms and backyards. Where people could bring the healing negative ions created by hand carved 7 million year old lava rock fountains indoors. This focuses on spirits, sounds and sights of nature to provide peace of mind that is conducive for the good health of a person. Today, many people are on the path of healthier and good living, thanks to the efforts of Peter Goodgold.

With the last four decades dedicated to holistic healing, Peter has become a name to reckon with when it comes to healthy living. For more detailed information and to see his latest creations of healthy water products go to www.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Peter Goodgold – Portable Water is not always Potable, Until You Ionize It

“Water, for sure is the most important thing for human's survival; water, which is a chemical substance; a mixture of two hydrogen atom and one oxygen i.e. H20”, we all must have studied this much about water in our school science class, but how many of us know about ionized water and Alkaline or Acidic Ionized mineral water. Through this article, I will be mentioning some impeccable extracts that I grabbed from a lecture delivered by Peter Goodgold, a water consultant.

In his address about the importance of ionized drinking water, Mr. Peter Goodgold started with detailing 'what is ionized water.' Below is his speech:
Let me start with what water ionizer is. Water ionizer is an apparatus that ionizes water, in other words, it separates water into alkaline and acid fractions. Now you listeners must be wondering what this acidic and alkaline fractions are doing with water, so let me brief on this.

On our planet, no matter what ever the water resource is, water has minerals and all natural water resources like river, sea and waterfalls have some degree of ionized water with a neutral pH. These minerals decide which water is to be used for sanitation and which is potable. In scientific views, “Alkaline ionized mineral water is rated as good to drink whereas acidic ionized mineral water should only be used for sanitation purposes(hair and skin conditioning and anti-microbial cleaning); it is not potable as it contains minerals that are not good for the human body”, as quoted by health professionals and WHO (World Health Organization).

Mr. Peter Goodgold of WaterWorks4u, Inc. further continued his talk on the process of making ionized water.

Now allow me to tell you how ionized water is made. So far we learned that water has minerals, and scientifically minerals become ionized when they either loose or gain any additional electron. When we talk about home water purifiers or ionization or separation or alkaline and acids; it is done through a process known as electrolysis and under this process, both alkaline and acidic water is made at same time.

Next question you might want to come up with must be, “why water ionizers and why only ionized water is good”. So, for that, let me tell you, we know that tap water consists of minerals such as mercury, boron, sodium or fluoride, etc. and its consumption is not good for humans. So, they need to be filtered and negatively charged before you drink and the Ionic Oasis SP 750 water ionizer solves this problem. It filters the and purifies the water before it is ionized and turned into alkaline water which has an abundance of anti-oxidants and a strong negative charge. In medical terminology, this negative electrical charge is termed as oxidation reduction potential, acronym as ORP.

This lecture of Mr.Peter Goodgold is a real eye-opener and the whole discussion if need to be summarized in one single line, there would be nothing better than the title, “portable water is not potable always, one need to ionize it.