Abilities cannot be learned. You either
have it or not! While some are born with the physical ability, others
are known for the metal aptitude!
The water purification genius, Peter Goodgold was known for his ability to concentrate and notice what is
going around, since his childhood. Then he might not have any idea
about the fact that with this ability, one day he will give a very
precious gift to humanity.
Although Mr. Peter Goodgold pursued his
academic credentials in professional filmmaking, he chose to study
natural water bodies. Following this decision, he studied natural
water bodies for years, and made few crucial conclusions.
He concluded that the quality of water
of any water body could be determined on the basis of the percentage
of alkaline water present in it. This theory was soon critically
acclaimed by the experts worldwide.
Using this theory, he invented a water
purifier, that works on this theory, and gifted mankind an effortless
way to stay healthy.